I would like to invite you to explore my music online (music/video/pictures) & ready some background info about my current, past and future activities and projects.
If you want to stay in touch, please sign up to my newsletter. Feel free to get in touch with your feedback.
Sebastian Studnitzky
On November 23 & 24, 2024, we performed at Odesa UNION Hall with the Memento Odesa project. It was an incredibly emotional and creative experience. A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful Chamber Orchestra of the Odesa Philharmonic and maestro Volodymyr Dykyi for their dedicated musical collaboration.
Watch here!
Thank you for the tour!
This year, we accomplished something extraordinary: 20 concerts (3 in Ukraine and 17 in Germany) and we celebrated the release of the MEMENTO ODESA album, now available on CD and Vinyl!
MEMENTO ODESA live in Berlin!
new release!
Ab dem 15. Nov 2024 ist das Album MEMENTO ODESA live in Berlin online zu hören! Oder auf Vinyl und CD im Shop!
Listen online
Album und Tour
Im Herbst veröffentliche ich das Album MEMENTO ODESA und bringe das Kammerorchester der Philharmonie Odesa für einige Konzerte nach Deutschland. Wie ihr euch denken könnt, ist das ne ziemliche Herausforderung. Falls ihr Lust oder Ideen habt das Projekt zu unterstützen, dann schreibt mir. Wir haben extra dafür auch den gemeinnützigen Verein "More Than Music e.V." gegründet.
Hier das ganze Video
22. & 23 Nov. 2024 Odesa - UNION
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
25.Nov. 2024 Frankfurt - St. Bonifatiuskirche
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
26.Nov. 2024 Pforzheim - Matthäuskirche
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
27.Nov. 2024 Dresden - Schauspielhaus
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
28.Nov. 2024 Berlin - Philharmonie
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
29.Nov. 2024 Bochum - Christuskirche
to celebrate the release of the Album MEMENTO ODESA we play more concerts in Germany:
Tickets here!
Here are some impressions of our sold out concert at Philharmonic Hall Odesa. It was the most beautiful concert of my life! Such a pleasure and honour to play for these brave and strong people!
Photos by Viktor Lazutin
Hier ist ein Video unseres MEMENTO ODESA Projekts.
Und hier gibts TICKETS! für die Tour im März
Hier sind die Tourtermine der MEMENTO ODESA Tour mit dem Odesa Symphonic Orchestra unter der Leitung von Maestro Volodymyr Dikiy, sowie den Gästen Anastasiia & Andrii Pokaz, Paul Kleber & Tim Sarhan.
Und hier gibts TICKETS!

STUDNITZKY | The Piano Book
Nach langer Arbeit ist jetzt endlich mein Klavierbuch fertig - STUDNITZKY | The Piano Book.
"MEMENTO Odesa" - official music video
This are the amazing people from Odesa who helped me to realize this project: maestro Volodymyr Dikiy, who was such an inspiring partner to make my music bloom. @nastyasupernastya - who is my partner in crime, to push and organise and communicate all crazy projects that we come up with, @andrii_pokaz, the wonderful piano player and inspiring duo partner, @witsyk who was an important help to create the improvised orchestra recording studio and @leshafm, who helped a lot to organise and putting everything together.And @byolyapolyakova behind the camera
watch the whole video here!
"MEMENTO Odesa" - official music video
This Summer I travelled to Odesa, Ukraine, diving into a music project that was both eye-opening and surreal, between the constant daunting vibe of the war and the beauty and resilience of this city and its people. Air raid alerts were the norm. I welcome you to join me and to read more about this trip, and of course experience the final result, which are 3 pieces of music.
Watch and enjoy the full version on youtube.com/studnitzky :)
new single - "MEMENTO Odesa"
Here is "Memento" - the second single and title track of the MEMENTO - ODESA project. Recorded in July 2023 in Odesa with the Odesa Symphonic Orchestra, led by maestro Volodymyr Dikiy.
Listen to MARGOLINA on your favourite streaming platform!
MEMENTO Odesa - "interview"
This Summer I travelled to Odesa, Ukraine, diving into a music project that was both eye-opening and surreal, between the constant daunting vibe of the war and the beauty and resilience of this city and its people. Air raid alerts were the norm. I welcome you to join me and to read more about this trip, and of course experience the final result, which are 3 pieces of music.
Watch and enjoy the full version on youtube.com/studnitzky :)
Studnitzky - Mertola (piano solo)
This is a video of a solo piano version of Mertola, filmed in my living room. And if you are interested in my new Piano Book (where you find a music sheet of Mertola), you can order it here.
Watch and enjoy the full version on youtube.com/studnitzky :)
Studnitzky - The Piano Book
Here are my compositions notated for piano. starting from easy songs, to more advanced level in the end. I worked on it for 2 years, and I'm so happy to present it now :) Here is what's inside :)
If you want a copy, follow this link:
Order 1x Studnitzky - The Piano Book
(39.00 € incl. DHL, payment by invoice)
This Summer I travelled to Odesa, Ukraine, diving into a music project that was both eye-opening and surreal, between the constant daunting vibe of the war and the beauty and resilience of this city and its people. Air raid alerts were the norm. My ukrainian friends didn’t even react to it anymore. I welcome you to join me and to read more about this trip soon. The first song - MARGOLINA - will be released next week, on dec 1st. Stay tuned.
watch the whole video here!
STUDNITZKY & Andrii Pokaz
Andrii Pokaz & Sebastian Studnitzky live at OPUS jazz club Budapest
watch the whole video here!
Little feature and studio concert at NDR Kultur.
watch the whole video here!
SINGÜLAR (Edward Perraud, Pascal Schumacher, Sebastian Studnitzky)
live premiere at XJAZZ! Festival Berlin
20:00 Aeve, Berlin
11 May 2023
live premiere at XJAZZ! Festival Berlin
22:15 Emmauskirche, Berlin
MEMENTO @ Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
in december I will present my MEMENTO project:
04.12.2022 Berlin Emmauskirche - tickets >here!
06.12.2022 Hamburg Elbphilharmonie - >tickets here!
Music sheet OMARA
Here is the music sheet for my composition OMARA. The song was released on April 17th 2020 on XJAZZ Music.
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY #SheetMusic
Get it on my bandcamp!
New video DUSK
10 June 2022
Dusk is a completely improvised, first-take jazz piece. Over a meditative synth-drone backdrop Sebastian Studintzky’s trumpet – played with a mute and hence sounding crisp – makes a mystical and heavenly appearance. Like some sort of messiah delivering an important omen, the listener is taken aback in awe, hypnotized by each and every of the trumpet’s scattered lines.
watch here!
XJAZZ! Festival Berlin - aftermovie
15 May 2022
This years XJAZZ! edition in Berlin was such a trip. A crazy intense preperation period, a wonderful team, amazing concerts, fantastic audience! I couldnt be more happy :)
watch here!
29 April 2022
There’s a heavy-heart feeling that touches every track on Nocturnal. Not quite dark enough to characterize a melancholy, rather the album unfolds a gentle blend of blues and serenity that’s most common on Sunday evenings or during creative insomniac spells at dawn. “All of these songs were composed, produced, and finalized at night time,” notes Studnitzky,
listen here!
German Jazz Price for XJAZZ!
27 May 2022
XJAZZ! Festival Berlin was awarded with the German Jazz Price in the category "festival of the year". Hurra!!!
New single OMARA
18 Mar 2022
This evil and brutal WAR in Ukraine that is killing and harming so many people, and the situation in Russia where my friends go to prison by calling a war a „war“ hit me hard. I was really questioning myself about the purpose on making music. My new single OMARA was supposed to be released in other circumstances, but the situation is as bad as it is. May this music give warmth and hope.
listen here!
LUCINE - music video
30 Jan 2022
Some years ago I performed in northern Russia in Petrozavodsk. After the concert we met some cool locals - artists and musicians. We stayed in touch and I asked them if they would shoot some vibes from their place and life. Thats how the idea for this video was born.
actress: Alexandra Grib (@lilakovaya)
filmed by Nikita Grib
watch here!
New single LUCINE
21 Jan 2022
LUCINE is the first of 4 singles leading to my upcoming album.
This music is based on my endless late night sessions during the long lockdown period and which in the end was a fascinating trip to discover and develop myself.
I really hope that you enjoy listening!
listen here!
New single ARIA
Video shot and edited by Knut Woerner https://www.instagram.com/knutwoerner
Actress / dancer: Maeva Marie Mathilde Roth instagram.com/maevamariemathilderoth
Styling: Isabell Thiemann Hair & make up: Pia Valeska
watch here!
New single ARIA
ARIA is another song of my solo sequel. I played trumpet, piano, sang and invited my friend Bodek Janke to contribute some tabla and small percussions. The song was released on July 16th 2021 on XJAZZ Music.
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY
listen here!
MIA - music video
actress: Mia Raz (https://miaraz.com)
directed by Mia Raz & Studnitzky
cinematographer: Joris Taschner
1st assistant camera: Hanna Klumpp
edit & post production: Thilo Swora
watch here!
New single FLUSSO
18 Feb 2022
‘Flusso’ captures the contrasting feelings of connection and isolation - both very present sentiments in my life. The polarity is captured through fast-paced and intense percussion that runs parallel to melancholic piano keys. Momentarily throughout the track, these two universes collide, and as they synchronize the air is filled with poignancy and momentum.
listen here!
BREATH - music video
We filmed this video on a rainy day on a lake close to berlin. It was autumn already. It was a magic day.
Video directed and filmed by Mia Raz
Video edited by Studnitzky
watch here!
New single BREATH
This is a song of my solo sequel. I produced this music during corona lock down. It's very personal and intimate and I did basically everything myself. The song was released on Sep 11th 2020 on XJAZZ Music.
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY
listen here!
Music sheet KORONA SOLITUDE #1
Here is the music sheet for the piano piece that I wrote when corona forced us to #StayHome. The song was released on April 17th 2020 on XJAZZ Music.
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY #SheetMusic
Get it on my bandcamp!
New single MIA
And another song of my solo sequel. I produced MIA during the corona year in my creative cave at home. I did basically everything myself. The song was released on Mai 14th 2021 on XJAZZ Music.
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY
listen here!
Music video KORONA SOLITUDE #1
Here is the music video for the piano piece that I wrote when corona forced us to #StayHome. The song was released on April 17th 2020 on XJAZZ Music.
I filmed the video at home in my music room and on empty Alexanderplatz in Berlin.
Link: https://youtu.be/qm_fWZuSMdo
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY
This is a piano piece that I wrote when the forced us to #StayHome. The song was released on April 17th 2020 on XJAZZ Music.
Link: https://orcd.co/koronasolitude1
#KYnewrelease #StudnitzkyKY
Studnitzky | KY @home
daily live stream starting at midnight
Every night at midnight I will perform a song and share a weekly updated playlist with some music of mine as well as music of my friends and colleagues.
#Studnitzky #KYSolo #StayHome #LiveStream #Midnight #Berlin
Studnitzky | KY Solo @ Berlin 24.11
This Sunday 24th of November, I will be presenting my new upcoming album, that will be released soon on XJAZZ Music, at Orania.Berlin. I hope to see many of you there.
For tickets: http://bit.ly/KYSolo_Berlin
XJAZZ | XJAZZ Music | ASK HELMUT | FluxFM | HHV Records
New Single PROPHET
This is the second single from the upcoming solo album "KY" which will be released soon on XJAZZ Music.
Link: https://geni.us/KYProphet
#KYProphet #StudnitzkyKY
When I got my new prophet analog synthesizer and started playing around with it, immediately an idea came to my mind. I mixed some arpeggiator with some Moroccan drums and played some trumpet on top of it. The whole thing was finished in half an hour and I love the roughness of the track. I hope you too!
Btw - the video was the first visualization I created my own. #Selfmashine
AURIEL music video is released
My new music video for "Auriel", is out now!
Feel free to check it out and if you like it, hit that thumbs-up button, share it or even better—subscribe to my channel so you can get the latest updates first-hand.
Thanks to Knut Woerner, Mia Raz, Adrienne Kremer, Herbert Cybulska & Irrlicht to make it happen!

Order hand signed CDs / vinyls
Just drop me an email following the link below and I will deliver it to you as quick as possible. Please don't forget to write your shipping address.
Trumpet & piano player, composer, music arranger from Berlin, Germany. His music is a fusion of Jazz, Electronica and Neo-Classical. Studnitzky has succeeded in combining virtuoso yet unassuming piano playing with his unique vocal-sounding trumpet style to create light and compelling grooves, delivering strikingly emotional melodies with beautiful clarity. In his inimitable music not a single note is superfluous. It is detailed, minimalistic and transparent, yet it displays an emotional depth which is uniquely personal.
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Verantwortliche Stelle gem. § 3 Abs. 7 BDSG ist:
Sebastian Studnitzky
Matkowskystr. 2
10245 Berlin
+49 1512 7029533
© 2019 by Studnitzky.
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